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Exalted One! (a Prayer for Brigid)

A prayer for the Goddess Brigid, on this, Her day:

Exalted One! You who kindle flames on every hill, For you, we light the fires.

Exalted One! You who give the thirsty ones to drink, To you, we proffer water.

Exalted One! You who shape the silver and the gold, To you, we give adornment.

Exalted One! You who inspire poetry and song, To you, we sing.

Exalted One! You who tend the birthing of the lambs, For you, we give thanks!

Exalted One! You who heal our bodies, minds, and souls, For you, we dance!

We raise our cups of water, wine, and beer. In the light of glimmering candles, we feast, read poetry, and dance. We raise our voices, to praise your name: Brigid of the greening land, Brigid of the morning bright, Fiery Arrow, Protector, Blessed One! We offer thanks for all the gifts we now possess, and the gifts that are to come. Hail!

—- This poem is part of the 7th Annual Brigid Online Poetry Festival.

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