We are the coming together of disparate things. We are the opening dawn of a new spring.
Oh radiant light that burns in each heart, fill us with the power of desire. Oh radiant light, that burns in each mind, teach us to know, clearly, what we seek. Oh radiant light that burns in each now, show us how to lead the way to justice and to beauty. Let us be on fire, like burning suns and stars. Let us shine, giving glimmering hope to that which has been heretofore obscured.
The fertile darkness opens to receive the sun. Something new is growing, bursting through fresh earth.
Lvx Aurum, Nox Princeps, Lvx Platinum, Nox Comes, Lvx Veritas, Nox Rota, Lvx Caritas, Nox Doctor Lvx Amor, Nox Amor, Stella Mater!