Higashimatsushima, Miyagi Prefecture (photo AP)
We are not separate from this earth, this sea, this sky. We are no different from the dolphin, the salamander, the macaque, or the crow. We are of the same breath as the maple, the iris, the daikon, or the plum. Come together. Breathe together. Live.
Solar Cross Temple just donated to Médecins Sans Frontières to aid Japan, as we did for Haiti and Pakistan. Peter Dybing of Covenant of the Goddess has set up a Pagan Community Fundraising page to collect money for this worthy organization. He is asking those who can afford to, to match his initial donation of $53.85. Individuals are doing so, or donating what they can, from $5-25. Organizations are donating in multiples of this number. Looking to raise $30,000, he has raised $3,559 as of this writing.
Our dollars are matched with prayers for the people, animals, land, sea, and sky of Japan, and for us all.
UPDATE: as of Wednesday, March 16th, the Pagan Fund has raised more than $10,000. Peter is still asking for people who can donate even very small amounts to please do so. $5 at a time adds up! Also, Solar Cross ads prayers for the people of Hawaii who’s homes and businesses were ruined by the tsunami.