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Eclipsing Ourselves

You are sun, and moon, and earth.

Gazing upon your bright reflection, what do you see?

You are earth, and moon, and sun.

What shadow needs to move now, bringing to the foreground a wholly new kind of light?

You are moon, and sun, and earth.

What have you been reflecting? What bounces from you, and onto the eyes of other beings?

pic by M. Connors

You are that which is solid, that which combusts, and that which reflects. What do you allow yourself to see? How do you allow yourself to be? Will you shift perspective, line things up, and stand in the totality of who you are? Can you step into alignment with yourself and see what bright and shadow form? You are engaged in a cosmic dance of epic proportions. You are simply living your singular life.

All of this is metaphor. All of this is true.

Wake up.

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