I have a new piece over at the Huffington Post where I write about walking with Sekhmet in the Nevada desert, watching drones fly overhead. Here is an excerpt:
We are damaging ourselves, our souls, and the earth. We are dealing out death at a distance, and slowly dying inside. Freedom is hard to bear. But so is war. So is our enslavement and inner blindness. How shall we waken to the light that dawns over the desert so beautifully? If life and death are sacred, what is our role in these wars being fought via real-time video? We try to distance ourselves from the cycles of the earth, but in the long run, this simply is not possible. As Gen. Stanley McChrystal wrote in his report to President Obama regarding the war in Afghanistan: “Pre-occupied with protection of our own forces, we have operated in a manner that distances us – physically and psychologically – from the people we seek to protect… The insurgents cannot defeat us militarily; but we can defeat ourselves.”May Sekhmet give us strength.
I hope you will visit and leave comments over there.
Blessings to you. Blessings to this earth.